Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Happy Anniversary to us! 
 It's hard to believe it's been two years since this day.  These two years have marked happy times, challenging times, and a little bit of everything in between.  We have experienced sadness and heartache.  Success and failure.  We have been blessed beyond measure. 
Today, the gravity of the vows we made two years ago feels so much more tangible. The meaning of sacrificial love feels so much deeper.  I am thankful for that.  Thankful to live those vows.  Thankful to give and receive that kind of love. Thankful we have each other.
K is such a blessing to me. Gentle, kind, and exceedingly patient.
We are truly blessed beyond measure.


  1. Happy Anniversary! I can't believe it has already been two years since that wonderful and blessed day. Love y'all!
